Hendy appointment welcomed

The appointment of Peter, Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill, as Rail Minister in the new government, has been warmly welcomed by the Heritage Railway Association.    

Best known as Chairman of Network Rail, Lord Hendy has worked in public transport for his entire career and is a well-known enthusiast of transport heritage. Lord Hendy, who had been Chair of the Heritage Railway Association since March 2023, stood down from his position with the trade body for the heritage rail industry upon his new appointment, as well as relinquishing his post at Network Rail.    

However, Chief Executive, Steve Oates, believes that the appointment is potentially good news for the sector. “Long before Lord Hendy joined the board of the Heritage Railway Association, he was a notable friend of the sector. His passion for heritage rail and knowledge of transport history in many forms is exceptional – just like his record of delivery in modern transport.   

“I’m sure that having someone of Peter’s calibre in this key Department for Transport position will be of huge benefit to everyone with an interest in rail transport of whatever form. He will have many major challenges waiting in his in-tray, but I’m sure he will not forget those linked to heritage rail either.    

“I and the HRA board would like to warmly thank Peter for his time with the HRA and I look forward to working with him in the future.”   

During his time as Chair of the HRA, Lord Hendy has played a significant role in championing improved governance structures within the sector, and supporting the strengthening of collaboration in safety standards for the sector.    

The Heritage Railway Association will shortly begin the process of recruiting a new Chair, with the aim of finalising an appointment during the latter part of this year. In the meantime, Deputy Chair Paul Lewin, will ensure continuity. Although only recently re-appointed to the HRA Board, Mr Lewin is one of the UK’s most experienced and respected heritage rail professionals with decades of experience running the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways.    
